{Disclaimer: This story is totally imaginary. If it depicts a real life story
of someone its a mere coincidence.}
It was the good old Nepal news chat days. The chatroom of Merchantile
was the trend in those days. I was just starting to take my baby steps to
the world of chatting. Probably I was 19 years old. I met a girl there.
She was 18 years old and yet she acted like she was around 30 years old
She was so bold , aggressive and soft and loving at the same time
There were various group of chatters namely from U.S.A, Australia , Europe
and Nepal. I belonged to the group USA. There were constant chat fights
and constant chat politics. The war of admins was like the game of thrones.
so epic. I loved every moment of it. While fighting with other groups me and
her became really close. The way to her heart was to act as a bad guy in her
silly little online fights . Soon without knowing we have turned into a virtual
couple. We exchanged digits and pictures . Soon we were planning our life
after our supposed marriage. The future looked promising. We were from two different
states so there was that distance barrier. She started to act like my virtual wife
trying to know my whereabouts and what not. The long romantic calls lasted all
night. We were totally in love.
But then she started to take things to different level. She wanted to come to my
place and get married. It shocked me. I was still a kid and I wasn't mature enough
to take any responsibility. I rejected her proposal and that was the end of our online
virtual love affair. Even though it didn't turn into a success, I will always cherish
those memories so pure and so innocent.